01 fevereiro 2025Reflexões e Metas para 2025
Ao longo deste ano, estou dedicando-me a desenvolver ideias claras e uma organização para alcançar minhas metas
Web Developer
My name is Johny William de Oliveira Alves, Web developer with over 20 years of experience. Data science student, focusing on machine learning and computer vision. With experience in project management, process automation and metrics analysis. Solid skills in several modern technologies, including JavaScript with React and Next.js, TypeScript, Python, Node, among others.
English - Intermediate (B2)
Portuguese - Native
Frameworks and Libraries
Data manipulation
Module Federation
Spring Boot
Styled Components
Tailwind CSS
SQL Server
Azure DevOps
Sep 2024 - Currently | WeFit
Porto Seguro Project: Development of a management platform for insurance brokers and other services, featuring components for both general and specific use. The project leveraged server-side rendering (SSR) and client-side rendering (CSR) techniques to ensure efficiency and flexibility.;
Technologies: HTML (HTML5), CSS (CSS3), JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js, Recharts, and Tailwind CSS.
Jul 2023 - Sep 2024 | Seguralta
Development of Seguralta Core: Platform that facilitates the operation of insurance brokerages, offering franchisees detailed access to commissions, renewals, and upcoming policy expirations, among other services;
Maintenance and enhancement of the Customer Portal, with a focus on improving user experience (UX) and optimizing organic results in search engines (SEO);
Technical leadership in software development, with a focus on the front-end and ensuring a robust and efficient back-end. Responsible for applying agile methodologies (Scrum), collaborative development practices (GitFlow), and component versioning. I conducted complete and up-to-date documentation and provided mentorship for junior developers;
My responsibilities included process automation, continuous monitoring of the environment with a focus on access metrics, detection and resolution of front-end errors, performance optimization with Core Web Vitals, continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), and the adoption of quality practices such as unit and end-to-end testing;
Technologies: HTML (HTML5), CSS (CSS3), JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, Python, React, Next.js, D3.js,,, BitBucket, BitBucket Pipelines, New Relic, SonarQube, Styled Components, Storybook, GraphQL, Restful, useQuery, FastAPI, Testing Library, Jest, and Cypress.
May 2023 - Jul 2023 | Hepta Tecnologia e Informática
CREA-SP Project: Development of the front-end for the platform for applying Technical Responsibility Notes (ART) in Works and Services. Using a modern approach with micro-frontend and monorepo, I ensured a modular and scalable architecture that allows for continuous and efficient platform evolution;
Technologies: HTML (HTML5), CSS (CSS3), JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js, Module Federation (micro-frontend), Chakra UI e Azure DevOps.
Set 2021 - Feb 2023 | CI&T Software
Coca-Cola Project: Experience in promoting products, running promotions, and collecting leads on platforms across Latin America and the Caribbean, along with skills in consumer metrics analysis and monitoring;
Technologies: HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, Adobe Experience Manager Forms, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and GitHub Actions;
Anbima Project: Development of a system for collecting managed portfolio information and restructuring the publication of financial product data, focusing on performance improvement and search engine results (SEO);
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), React, Next.js, and Gitlab.
Out 2020 - Set 2021 | Meta Serviços em Informática
Maintenance and enhancement of the Zarp Localiza platform, including technology and infrastructure restructuring;
Focus on improving user experience, platform performance, and optimization to achieve the top position in organic search results (SEO);
Leadership in implementing CI/CD, selecting front-end technologies, and monitoring metrics, including the sales funnel;
Technologies: SEO, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Next.js, Azure DevOps, Hotjar, and Datadog.
Nov 2019 - Out 2020 | Invillia - Desenvolvimento de Produtos Digitais
Development of the Invillia Apps suite for team management and remote work, focusing on memory optimization and integration with Microsoft Teams. Worked on both front-end and back-end, including data visualization and delivery through APIs;
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, D3.js, Node, Express, and MySQL.
Apr 2019 - Nov 2019 | Unimed Rio Preto
Development and coordination with third parties of the beneficiaries portal (UI/UX) with financial management, exams, and appointment scheduling;
Planning and development of an API for user authentication and a medical guide;
Creation of an environment with test automation, monitoring and CI/CD of management and service provision systems;
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js, Java, Spring Boot, PL/SQL, Oracle Database, RESTFul, Jest, Python, Grafana, Apache Tomcat, and Jenkins.
Jul 2018 - Apr 2019 | Bnex
Responsible for the management and development of a web and mobile back-office platform, focused on tracking promoters at retail locations;
Performed the development of data visualization using dashboards to track results at JBS;
Executed maintenance of data loading and transformation (ETL) for partner data at JBS;
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, SQL, .Net C#, Asp.NET MVC, React Native, Node.js, and Pentaho.
Set 2017 - Jul 2018 | WDG Automation
Responsible for process automation and chatbot development, as well as structuring customer service projects for recalls at Toyota Rodobens;
Development of a Google Chrome extension focused on telemarketing for Claro;
Technologies: WDG Automation, Bizagi BPMN Modeler, and JavaScript.
Oct 2013 - Set 2017 | Emais Urbanismo e Incorporações
Responsible for the maintenance, support, and ongoing development of an ERP and CRM system for fiscal control, accounting, financial management, and real estate portfolio management;
Technologies: Delphi and Microsoft SQL Server.
Nov 2011 - Jun 2013 | Freelancer
Providing services for automation of tax obligations for multiple clients;
Technologies: Windows Forms, .Net C#, and Microsoft SQL Server.
Jan 2011 - Nov 2011 | Dual Consultoria e Sistemas
Responsible for the maintenance, support, and customer service of an ERP software specialized in management for distributors;
Development of an ERP system specialized in the financial area and compliance with tax obligations;
Technologies: Progress 4GL..
Mar 2008 - Jan 2011 | Hexa Informática
Responsible for the development, implementation, and maintenance of an optical network management system;
Technologies: Delphi and Microsoft SQL Server.
Dec 2005 - Mar 2008 | Condor Informática
Maintenance and implementation of ERPs for financial control, inventory management, and compliance with tax obligations;
Development of a tool for the General Investigations Police Department (DIG) for internal data management of detentions;
Technologies: Delphi and Firebird.
Dec 2004 - Dec 2005 | SOC Informática
Providing consultancy and developing solutions for the delivery of files related to tax obligations;
Offering sales, assembly, and maintenance services for computers;
Technologies: Delphi and Firebird.
Jan 2002 - Jul 2003 | Etec Philadelpho Gouveia Netto
Technical training with logic, introduction to hardware maintenance and Web and Desktop development
01 fevereiro 2025Ao longo deste ano, estou dedicando-me a desenvolver ideias claras e uma organização para alcançar minhas metas
11 setembro 2024Visualização de dados com gráfico de setores / pizza / torta com D3.js
02 setembro 2024Configuração Apache HTTP Server com .htaccess para regras de diretórios
Can I help you with anything? Do you have any questions or suggestions? Get in touch via social media or for more traditional means, send an email, I'll be happy to answer.